our big data manifesto
photo by: Atlassian
Data, and the role that it plays in the business landscape, continues to rapidly expand. However, legacy systems and business processes create complexity and inefficiencies, greatly diminishing its unharnessed potential value. Once unified and enriched, both its impact and importance increase exponentially - insights that seem valuable today may be insignificant in hindsight.
To stay relevant, you need to be smarter about how you harness your data! Every big data journey needs solid foundations. We believe that the foundation should be built well. We believe that it should be secure by design. We believe it should be delivered to scale at speed. We believe it should be agile to support your evolving business requirements.
To achieve this, we are committed to these guiding principles:
Focus on customer outcomes - agree outcomes upfront, create alignment, deliver value quickly
Connect everything - waste no source, be open, be accessible
Keep it simple - simple to deploy, simple to use, lower the barriers to change
Secure by design - foundations designed and built with best of breed security and privacy principles, security tested and approved throughout build
Scale by default - scale quickly, seamlessly, automatically
Be inquisitive - challenge the status quo, be agile, iterate
We believe these principles will future-proof a business with a data-driven approach to make better and faster decisions.