member data platform
Our member data platform integrates, consolidates and enriches your regulatory data sources to deliver a real-time 360-degree view of your fund,
so you can take the right action at the right time.
Our member data platform integrates, consolidates and enriches your regulatory data sources to deliver a real-time 360-degree view of your fund,
so you can take the right action at the right time.
Solving for APRA’s new Superannuation Data Transformation reporting requirements, this module looks to automate the review process through validations and cross-correlations, our visualisations then present insights to quickly identify any anomalies to resolve them efficiently.
Solving for APRA’s Annual Outcomes Assessment, this module leverages the validated data from the Connect Reporting module to fuel the calculation, analysis and generation of the annual assessments.
Solving for APRA’s Heatmaps and the new Annual Performance Test, this module augments Connect Reporting data with external data sources to visualise and forecast performance against expectations, uncovering possible actions to improve outcomes.
Solving for APRA’s Business Performance Review, this module looks to analyse the sustainability and scale of your fund, along with the resulting impacts to your member cohorts.