Platform Enhancements April 2024

Important Update: March 2024 APRA Taxonomy and Validation changes are now reflected on the nuj platform in alignment with APRA's updates

Update 1:
Enhanced Validation Dashboard

(Live Now)

Exciting news – we've upgraded your Data Validation experience! The upgraded Data Validation Dashboard is designed to revolutionise your data validation and submission review process.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Comprehensive Validation Overview: Instantly summarise and visualise all validations - including errors, warnings, and nudges - for each reporting cycle, directly from your dashboard.

  • Streamlined Review Process: With intuitive visual cues and straightforward navigation, identifying issues and accessing deep-dive details has never been easier.

  • Colour Codes for Quick Assessment:

    • Awaiting Data (Light Grey): Data submission pending.

    • Critical Errors (Dark Red) & Errors (Light Red): Immediate attention required for type 1 and type 2 errors, respectively.

    • Warnings (Orange) & Nudges (Light Blue): Stay informed with important alerts and suggestions.

    • All Clear (Green): Your data is error-free and fully compliant.

    • Enhanced Data Handling: Downloading and sharing your data for resolution purposes is now more straightforward, ensuring a smoother path to compliance.

How it looks

Embrace the new Data Validation Dashboard for a more efficient, error-free reporting cycle.

Update 2:
Ad-hoc Form Management

(Coming Soon)

To address feedback regarding the visibility of ad-hoc forms, we’ve introduced a feature that allows you to customise your submission view:

  • Hide Ad-hoc Forms: Easily hide placeholder forms for ad-hoc submissions that are not required, reducing clutter and streamlining your workflow.

  • Flexible Visibility: Ad-hoc forms can be shown or hidden at any time, ensuring they are available when you need them without overwhelming your submission view.

How it works

  • Click the ellipses (three dots) menu next to the adhoc form you wish to hide.

  • Select 'Hide Form for this submission' to hide it. For hidden forms, select 'unhide' to return them to your view.

  • Use the 'Show Hidden Ad-hocs' checkbox in the search bar to toggle the visibility of all hidden ad-hoc forms.